Norwegian suppliers
We only accept electronic invoices and credit notes, primarily as e-faktura (EHF).
To ensure timely payment the invoice must be properly addressed and marked with a reference (in the field “Your ref:”), in most cases either the PO number or the ship name.
Company | Address/Organization no |
Buksér og Berging AS | 964 321 663 |
Neptun Rederi AS | 971 053 771 |
BB Crewing AS | 990 759 499 |
BB Octopus AS | 995 836 475 |
Miko Marine AS | 977 085 403 |
If you are unable to produce electronic invoices in your own accounting system, or are unable to connect to an access point, you can use an online invoicing portal. This is a facility where you can register an invoice and have it sent correctly. For more information on this, see
Foreign suppliers
Foreign suppliers should preferably send electronic invoices and credit notes in the EHF-format. Foreign suppliers, who cannot send invoices in the EHF-format, may send invoices in the PDF format to E-mail: All invoices must be properly addressed and marked with a reference (in the field “Your ref:”), in most cases either the PO number or the ship name.